Essential Facts about Shareholder Loans for Incorporated Small Business Owners
Small Business, Business Tax Ronika Khanna Small Business, Business Tax Ronika Khanna

Essential Facts about Shareholder Loans for Incorporated Small Business Owners

There are three primary ways in which you, as an owner-manager, can  withdraw funds from your corporation.  You can pay yourself a salary, you  can declare a dividend or you can borrow money from the corporation.  When  you borrow money from your own corporation the Canada Revenue Agency  (CRA) has put into place strict rules as to when you have to repay the loan to ensure that the owner-manager does not avoid paying taxes indefinitely. 

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How to Register a Small Business in Quebec

How to Register a Small Business in Quebec

Budding entrepreneurs wanting to setting up a small business (or becoming self employed), either on a full time or part time basis, are often not sure where to start.  The process of registering a business in Quebec, depending on your circumstances,  can actually be quite straightforward .  Below we look at the questions that you need answer to determine your business registration obligations:

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Why and How to Transition from a Sole Proprietorship to a Corporation

Why and How to Transition from a Sole Proprietorship to a Corporation

When starting your new business, often it makes sense to choose the simplest structure which is the sole proprietorship. This allows you to test the viability of your business idea and to see if the lifestyle and the related stress that goes along with being a business owner suits your personality and is in line with your long term goals. Alternatively, you might want to keep everything simple and not add any unnecessary complexity. Registering and maintaining a sole proprietorship is fairly straightforward ; many business owners don’t put much thought into the financial aspects of it until tax time (when the mad scramble ensues). Once you have a corporation, however, the level of complexity and commitment increases

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What Types of Advertising/Marketing Expenses Can Small Businesses Deduct?

What Types of Advertising/Marketing Expenses Can Small Businesses Deduct?

In the past advertising for small business owners mostly involved ads for print, television or radio (a catchy jingle was always a good way to go), cold calling (rarely a pleasant experience), sending out flyers or courting potential customers at a conference.  Unfortunately, these types of advertising were problematic in that it is difficult to gage the direct impact of their effectiveness.  Additionally, they were often fairly costly, which can especially difficult for small business owners to afford. 

Over the past few years the avenues for advertising have grown exponentially. Many types of advertising don’t even cost anything, except time. You can buy ads on numerous social media outlets that appeal to your target market or if you want to go the free route, you can set up a social media account, post regularly and build an audience.  Alternatively, you can set up a website which you can then optimize so that google and other search engines display it when someone is looking for your product or service. Email newsletters are also another effective and direct way of reaching potential buyers.    One of the great benefits of these types of advertising is that you are better able to monitor the effectiveness of your chosen strategy.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Salary and Dividends by Owners of Corporations

Frequently Asked Questions About Salary and Dividends by Owners of Corporations

As an accountant and small business financial consultant,  one of the most common areas of confusion and questions by small business corporation owners revolves around how to pay themselves and if one way is preferable to another.  I have addressed some of them in my blog posts on the factors to consider when choosing salary or dividends and the types of ways to structure your remuneration .  There are however specific questions that common up frequently:

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What Are the Next Steps After Incorporation

What Are the Next Steps After Incorporation

Once you have decided to establish a new corporation, there are certain best practices that you should implement to ensure that your corporation runs smoothly right from the beginning. If you are transitioning from a sole proprietorship to a corporation (unincorporated to incorporated entity), there are some additional steps that you need to take. By being proactive, you can turn your mind to your actual business and avoid unpleasant surprises (such as incomprehensible letters from the government and inconvenient deadlines). This article looks at the next steps you need to take after you have incorporated your business.

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What is Capital Cost Allowance and How Does it Impact Your Business
Business Tax, Accounting, Quickbooks Ronika Khanna Business Tax, Accounting, Quickbooks Ronika Khanna

What is Capital Cost Allowance and How Does it Impact Your Business

Frequently a client of mine will purchase a high ticket item such as a computer or a piece of furniture and will simply show it as an expense on their profit and loss.  As far as they are concerned, if you spend money on acquiring something you should be able to write it off against your income.  This makes logical sense from a certain point of view.  Unfortunately, accountants and revenue agencies do not see it this way.  From their perspective, an item that is purchased for a business, whose value extends beyond one year, is actually an asset that should be depreciated over the useful life of the asset.  In other words, the expense that you can claim for the asset is only the portion of the asset that is used in the year that you claim it. While there are different accounting methods to reflect depreciation, Revenue Canada requires that you apply a percentage depending on the “class” in the asset is classified and is referred to as capital cost allowance or CCA.

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What Types of  Car Expenses Can Business Owners Deduct
Self Employed, Small Business, Business Tax Ronika Khanna Self Employed, Small Business, Business Tax Ronika Khanna

What Types of Car Expenses Can Business Owners Deduct

Access to a car can be crucial to running a small business effectively.  Costs of ownership, however, can be high relative to your revenues, especially in the early stages when your business is not hugely profitable.  Luckily, Revenue Canada (CRA) and Revenue Quebec (RQ) allow both unincorporated/self employed individuals and owners/employees of corporations, who use their cars to generate income, to deduct the relevant expenses. Both CRA and RQ provide detailed guidance and have specific rules relating to the write off of car expenses.  I discuss some of the main provisions that impact small business owners in this article and provide guidance on the differences between unincorporated (self employed/small business) owners and corporations.

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4 Accounting Transactions that Use Journal Entries and How to Enter them in QBO
Accounting, Quickbooks, Business Tax Ronika Khanna Accounting, Quickbooks, Business Tax Ronika Khanna

4 Accounting Transactions that Use Journal Entries and How to Enter them in QBO

Accounting software has come a long way in the past few years. Although a good bookkeeper can be invaluable, It has become fairly easy for business owners and their support staff to take on the responsibility of entering day to day transactions while they employ accountants for the more complex aspects of their accounting and tax. While entering the majority of transactions in software, such as Quickbooks Online is fairly straightforward, there are transactions that require somewhat special treatment discussed below:

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How to Calculate Your Automobile Taxable Benefits for the Purposes of the T4 and Rl1
Business Tax Ronika Khanna Business Tax Ronika Khanna

How to Calculate Your Automobile Taxable Benefits for the Purposes of the T4 and Rl1

The majority of businesses require the use of cars and other types of vehicles to meet with clients, and suppliers, purchase goods, make service calls and of course check in with their accountants. The usage of a car is not necessarily straightforward as many employees and business owners use their vehicles for both business and personal reasons. As such, Revenue Canada has had to implement tax legislation that ensures that the personal portion of automobile usage is properly adjusted and excluded from deductible businesses expenses.

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How to Change Your Personal Tax Return After It Has Been Filed
Business Tax Ronika Khanna Business Tax Ronika Khanna

How to Change Your Personal Tax Return After It Has Been Filed

Revenue Canada recommends that you should wait to receive your notice of assessment (NOA) before filing an amended return.  Once you receive your NOA, you should review it to verify if the error or omission has been reflected on the assessment. If not, then you would proceed with submitting the amendment.  Luckily, you are not required to redo your entire return; rather you just need to submit details regarding the specific changes. There are several ways in which you can file an amended return.

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What is a notice of assessment and How to Handle a request for information
Business Tax, Personal Finance Ronika Khanna Business Tax, Personal Finance Ronika Khanna

What is a notice of assessment and How to Handle a request for information

After you file your income tax return Revenue Canada (CRA) and Revenue Quebec (RQ) will send you an acknowledgement (somewhat like a report card) that the return has been received and a detailed breakdown of the tax return that was filed including any discrepancies. It also provides some information pertaining to future years such as limits and carryforwards. The NOA is also referred to as an “avis de cotisation” if your preferred language is French or when you receive one from RQ. Some of the information that can be found on a notice of assessment includes:

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Are Gifts to customers and business associates deductible expenses?

Are Gifts to customers and business associates deductible expenses?

Giving gifts to clients or customers can be a great way to build goodwill, foster customer loyalty and differentiate yourself from your competition. Gifts can be anything from a simple bouquet of flowers to something a bit more personalized based on your knowledge of the customer (it can be useful to listen carefully or probe gently to find out what your customers might want as a thoughtful gift can be tremendously impactful). A gift can be given around the holidays, on birthdays, after closing a sale or any other time as a simple thank you. Of course, if you are buying gifts on behalf of your business, it is important to understand if they qualify as tax deductible expenses and it what circumstances.

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