A Guide to Navigating Taxes in the Gig Economy

A Guide to Navigating Taxes in the Gig Economy

In a recent study by H&R Block, nearly 28% of Canadians reported taking on a side hustle in the “gig economy” to boost their income. This is a significant increase from 2022 in which the analogous percentage was 13%. This is likely a result of inflationary pressures and the expansion of opportunities available for flexible work.

The gig economy, popularized by Uber, refers to work that is flexible and usually incorporates digital apps or platforms. 

Gig workers tend to be independent contractors who usually decide when they are going to work, often bring their own “tools” (such as a car or a computer) and are required to report their earnings to tax authorities.

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3 Invoicing Options for Small Businesses and Freelancers
Accounting, Self Employed, Small Business Ronika Khanna Accounting, Self Employed, Small Business Ronika Khanna

3 Invoicing Options for Small Businesses and Freelancers

If you are running a business of any size, it is essential that you have a system in place that allows you to get paid.   A system can range in sophistication from a handwritten receipt to a software generated invoice which is part of an entity wide CRM system.  To meet this need there are countless invoicing solutions available and many billions of dollars are spent annually on setting up systems to meet each business’ unique needs. 

Almost all accounting software geared to small business owners and freelancers have built-in invoicing modules that integrate with your accounting.  This is very useful when doing your books as you don’t have to worry about entering your invoicing manually and it allows you to track your accounts receivable and deposits into your bank account.  There are also invoicing solutions that are not full-fledged accounting systems; however they usually integrate with the more popular software.

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